To: longtermmemmory
Has anyone considered that the maid used rush's problem to her OWN drug dealer advantage?I'm sure she did. Thats all part of another "game."...the one with the DA. But if there wasn't something to the maid's accusations, I seriously doubt that Rush would have lawyered-up with the best defense attorney in the country. Do I think her entire story is true?...of course not. But it looks like there is enough "there" there to speculate that some of it is.
1,102 posted on
10/10/2003 4:34:02 PM PDT by
(Soccer-Moms are the biggest threat to your freedoms and the republic !)
To: Orangedog
Rush lawyered up to know what he was dealing with. ANY smart person would get a lawyer to find out what they are dealing with. I doubt very much rush knew the first thing about how these cases are prosectuted. (rarely) or what he was facing (FL firtt time drug offender court which mandates treatment in exchange for a dismissal).
I agree with the speculation but remember when u assume... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson