IMHO, you recall incorrectly. Abraham and Sarah met many Kings (i.e., Chiefs of State) on their journeys, but did not require a "marriage license" from any of them.
And in Juridical Israel, the priests could certainly offer their blessing on a marriage, but the civil Judges were not involved except in cases of Divorce. The same more or less applied in Kingly Israel; civil Judges would adjudicate in case of a Divorce, but the establishment of a Marriage was Private and Religious institution even then -- and I can find nothing in all the Pages of the Bible (Old Testament or New) which commissions the licensing of Marriage to the authority of the State. Modern state-worshippers have usurped this authority to Caesar, but Biblically it is a case of rendering unto Caesar that which is not his.
A religious officiant should never have to rely on powers granted by the State of New York, or any other state, to do anything.