"The big losers in this election were California liberals..."
Yes, this is the most important significance of the earthquake--a repudiation of the irresponsible, destructive, self-serving policies of the Democrat politicians and their supporters. The Democrat Party has become the party of socialism, and, if California voters have had an epiphany, it is the realization that socialism requires a powerful, oppressive, tyrranical government and inevitably undermines the economy and leads to economic disaster.
"...the politics of personal destruction..."
Yes, it was so blatant that only those in hard-core denial could possibly not see it (but: "Never underestimate the power of denial." ~American Beauty).
"...the myth that the press is not in bed with the Democrats..."
...and the image of Republicans as mean-spirited morality police."
Right. The Republican Party has a strong libertarian current. The Republican Party is the party of individual freedom.
"thirty percent of Hispanics...voted for the Republican"
Hispanics tend to be good citizens. They are welcome in the U.S. The problem is not Hispanics. The problem is that we should either enforce immigration laws or change them. In fact, this can be said of all laws.