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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS

The 13th amendment allows the FedGov to bypass the States for funding and the 17th allowed fedGov to bypass the States for legal authority.

Repeal the 17th and ammend the 13th to allow the States to collect all income taxes and then pass on the appropriate share to the FedGov. (may not even require any mod of the 13th)

4 posted on 10/06/2003 5:33:06 PM PDT by Mark Felton ("All liberty flows from the barrel of a gun")
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To: Mark Felton

The 13th amendment allows the FedGov to bypass the States for funding

Not according to the spokesmen at the time of the Constitution's ratificatation. Both sides agreed the Constitution predominately operated on the individual as opposed to the the state governments. The big argument was over who got to tax the peons:


James Madison, Federalist #39:

James Madison, Federalist #45:

Antifederalist #03l

"There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one which operates on individuals, this always has been, and ought still to be called, national government; the other which binds States and governments together (not corporations, for there is no considerable nation on earth, despotic, monarchical, or republican, that does not contain many subordinate corporations with various constitutions) this last has heretofore been denominated a league or confederacy. The term federalists is therefore improperly applied to themselves, by the friends and supporters of the proposed constitution."

Finally it came compromise with the states was that both they & the national governmetn got tax us:

Federalist #34:

9 posted on 10/06/2003 6:03:42 PM PDT by ancient_geezer
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