The Rhodes Scholarship program was set up for the purpose of One World Government or World domination. Clark and Clinton went under Senator J. William Fulbright's scholarship fund. Fulbright was a Rhodes scholar, pro-international, and anti-American.
I know about the One World Government stuff. But what I am saying is that for many people, there is an imprimatur of intellectual and oratorical quality attached to the Rhodes Scholar, anyway. The Rhodes Scholars tend to be folks like Clinton who are smooth talking bright people. There is a element of self-promotion to many of these people, and that is not always bad.
However, in Clark's case, he seems particularly inept. As a politician, he is about as inept as I would be if I ran for President today. Surrounded by experienced staffers, and he still seems as awkward as a crackpot candidate. I am beginning to think that he is not a place-holder for Hillary, intended to be her VP running mate. He is intended to show how weak the field is by taking the lead and then showing us how inept he is, so that the call for Hillary to save the Party becomes deafening.