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To: Max McGarrity
No, I rehab houses, and have to clean up the messes, nothing anti smoking about it. Its flat out reality. I could care less if someone smokes in their house, just don't tell me it doesn't impact the physical aspects of the property.. because it does, I know I've fixed up enough houses to see that nice crusty residue and smell first hand mroe than enough times...

When the nicotine/tar stains are still visible through 3 layers of paint and 3 layers of primer, ain't nothing activist about it... its reality.
269 posted on 09/30/2003 8:01:14 PM PDT by HamiltonJay
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To: HamiltonJay; Max McGarrity; SheLion; Gabz
Smoker's crust!


That is complete unmitigated BS!


I have to congratulate you--Crust! Really! Where are you doing your rehabbing? Hell's Kitchen? Black stains and crust! Now I've seen it all.
270 posted on 09/30/2003 8:04:21 PM PDT by Judith Anne (Cyanide, mercury, and botulinum toxin are medically and industrially useful friends to mankind.)
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To: HamiltonJay; Gabz; Max McGarrity; SheLion
When the nicotine/tar stains are still visible through 3 layers of paint and 3 layers of primer, ain't nothing activist about it... its reality.

That is sheer fantasy nonsense. Complete BS. I just called a RE agent friend in Wichita, and she has never heard of such conditions, and is a non-smoker. I couldn't believe some of the stuff you were posting, so I checked with somebody who knows their housing markets. She was more polite than I am, just said you sounded like some kind of fanatic.

278 posted on 09/30/2003 8:10:33 PM PDT by Judith Anne (Cyanide, mercury, and botulinum toxin are medically and industrially useful friends to mankind.)
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To: HamiltonJay
I've seen dusty houses, messy houses, and smelly houses. I've seen houses so clean you could perform a surgical procedure in them. I've seen houses where termites have destroyed the underlying woodwork. Since I grew up in a neighborhood where the houses are typically over 100 years old, I've seen houses that have lead pipes, lead paint, and multiple WORKING fireplaces in which literally thousands of fires have burned. I've seen houses that use wood stoves for heat. I've seen them with COAL stoves, too.


I have never seen a house such as you describe.

Honestly...SIX COATS of paint/primer? What the hell happened in that house? The Amityville Horror?
286 posted on 09/30/2003 8:17:12 PM PDT by VermiciousKnid
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