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To: Motherbear
This is not a personal opinion. Some homes do reek of cigarette smoke for a long time. Some people also have a better sense of smell than others. One thing I know, is that no smoker realizes how smelly the stuff is until he quits. I have probably a dozen exsmokers in my family, and none could smell it very much before they quit. It's like wearing perfume or men's cologne. After a while, you just don't smell it on yourself.

Well, at least you qualify your insults to "some" homes instead of painting with the broad brush common in this thread. However, you're wrong when you claim "no smoker realizes how smelly the stuff is until he quits. Most of us were, at one time or another, nonsmokers, and many of us can remember it. To me, the smell of tobacco smoke (unless stale and old) is wonderful and has always been. It's also true that people, often people I don't know well and who have no reason to lie to me make it a point to comment on how fresh and clean my house smells. I'm sure you'll deny the possibility, but I've even had young ladies touch my arm and tell me that I smell wonderful. So my experience tells me that those who have trained their noses to be so hypersensitive have the problem, not those of us who live and let live.

265 posted on 09/30/2003 7:53:11 PM PDT by Max McGarrity (Anti-smokers--still the bullies in the playground they always were.)
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