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To: VRWC_minion
Well that is definately true, people often don't notice the smells that they are around constantly... but the fact is, and I have seen this, EVEN SMOKERS don't want a obviously well smoked in house! I am not kidding, I have seen couples that were each 3 pack a day smokers, walk into homes that showed the obvious results of years of smoking in a house, walk out saying no way, its too dirty and smelly. And the only dirt and smell were the nicotine and smoke residue.

I have no doubt their house will look and smell just as bad in less than 2 years, but because they are looking to BUY and the defect was obvious both visually and olfactory they didn't want it.

Even smokers don't want homes in that condition if they have a choice. Lets face it, for most people buying a home is the biggest commitment they will make in their lifetimes... they want the very best they can manage.
248 posted on 09/30/2003 7:29:30 PM PDT by HamiltonJay
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To: HamiltonJay
Oh yeah, one more thing. The nico brown-shirts will always disolve to calling you obnoxious, arrogant or some other insult well before the thread ends. In my case its been "clueless droid" tonight.
253 posted on 09/30/2003 7:34:50 PM PDT by Rebelbase
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To: HamiltonJay
I have a suggestion: Look up "My Comments" click on it, and read the last ten you've posted here. Note the similarity of each post. Note the number of times you've addressed a fellow freeper with negative words about smoking, even though YOU KNOW that statistically, one fourth of adults in this country smoke.

You've deliberately offended with negative assessments and judgements AT LEAST one fourth of the people reading this thread.

You've said that nicotine is "caked" on walls, that the walls are "brown" with smoke, that the house is "filthy" with smoke, ad nauseum. I say you're exaggerating, and I say you're deliberately trying to offend smokers and prove your non-smoking self to be superior.

I am a part-time smoker. A pack lasts me four or five days. My patients and my co-workers cannot tell that I am a smoking NURSE. My physician was shocked when I told him I was a smoker--AFTER my physical. My car does not smell like smoke--though I smoke in it. My house does not smell like dog or smoke, even though I and my husband smoke in it and have an indoor dog.

Your posts are offensive. You don't know what you're talking about. You've got ordinary smokers houses confused with those flophouses you want to renovate for a quick buck and foist on some unsuspecting hapless naive buyer.

How do you like it? The bad treatment you give us smokers comes back to you. Is it fun?
261 posted on 09/30/2003 7:45:41 PM PDT by Judith Anne (Cyanide, mercury, and botulinum toxin are medically and industrially useful friends to mankind.)
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