I dare say Tom is NOT going down with the ship!! The Republican party as it is now, has defected and is now in the process of becoming the Liberal Republican Party. There will be a conservative uprising, a new party will soon develop and the Liberal Republican Party will lose more than half its support!!! Watch it !! GO TOM GO.........I admire Tom greatly for STANDING FAST!!!
You same Republican " Arnold-lites" who are yelling at Tom for not compromising, are the SAME defectors that are SCREAMING at the Washington Republicans who did not take the inititave in the Estrada case, or continually cave to the Democrats on issue after issue!!! Now you are asking Tom to do it. This is total hypocracy!!! WAKE UP!!! TOM CAN MAKE IT. WE JUST HAVE TO BE THERE FOR HIM and NOT WAVER!!
Thanks for all of the exclamation points. But all kidding aside, I agree with you that Frist should have pushed Estrada harder and should have forced a real filibuster. That's a battle that could have been won. Unfortunately for McC, he cannot win this battle. It is obvious to everyone.