You are forgetting about the conservative voters. We are the ones who built this party and own it. It's the reason Pete Wilson NEVER adressed the full Assembly of the California Republican Party in his 8 as Governor (16 chances he skipped out on). He would have been booed off state. He simply spoke at the overpriced rubber-chicken dinners and had his staff each buy up a handful of tickets.
Even if you win this fluke election comrade, the conservative grassroots will be back in the next primary, including many confused conservatives here who will be apalled by Arnold and what he says and does.
Liberal republicans are an enigma and they always will be.
No, you didn't, and no, you don't. You pretend that you did, just like the tail wagging the dog.
Do you know who your average Republican voter is? Your average GOP voters consist of guys and gals who wake up, read the paper, slam some breakfast, get the kids off to school and go to work.
Their lives consist of daily choices and little compromises, and their circle of acquaintances include blacks, hispanics, gays, liberals, and all sorts of folks - some of whom they like and empathize with in certain ways.
They're not interested in rigid ideologues, and will support some welfare programs if competently run.
The funny part is that those folks comprise a far greater number of GOP voters than the hard right folks ever dreamed of having - and if it weren't for them, the GOP would be a fringe party.