But make no mistake, our Military force is the best in the world. Why? Because it is staffed by people who love their freedom enough to fight for it. They are highly disciplined, and highly effective as long as we do not allow the moral fabric of the service to be undermined by the likes of DACOWITS (Defense Assessment Committee On Women In The Service) and the Gay Rights fuqairs.
But do you know who G.S.P.'s first teacher of such things, a veteran of the 1861-1865, was?
And too, don't forget the generality that amateurs and junior lieutenants study tactics and strategies. Real professionals sweat the logistics.
I don't think Patton would have criticized our strategy, were he alive. He loved speed. Jimmy Johnson may have learned coaching from him.
But make no mistake, our Military force is the best in the world. Why? Because it is staffed by people who love their freedom enough to fight for it. They are highly disciplined, and highly effective as long as we do not allow the moral fabric of the service to be undermined by the likes of DACOWITS (Defense Assessment Committee On Women In The Service) and the Gay Rights fuqairs.
I do think that our military is the best in the world today -- by default. But I think it could be much better, if not for the negative influences of those very groups you cited. And some of our people have died, and many more will die in the future, if those influences are not rolled back.
Fred Reed has written on sexually integrated units in Marine Corps boot camp, where the women stand around and watch the men during much of the exercises, because the womenfolk aren't permitted to do them due to their inferior upper body strength, agility, stamina, etc., or because the women injured themselves doing the few modest exercises they ARE permitted to do. And William McGowan has written, in Coloring the News, about the incompetent, and in some cases, insubordinate women pushed along through pilot school, in order to fill illegal quotas for feminist flyers. Some of those females got themselves killed, destroyed $100 million jets, and/or had to get bounced out of the service for service unbecoming an officer and a ...?