I had occasion to hear David Hackworth and Sean Hannity over the course of an hour not so long ago. It confirmed something:
Hackworth is a pro-Democrat Bush-basher unfettered by truth.
Clark is clearly a Hillary shill as well as a very dangerous individual.
He gave the fifteen armored vehicles and as many enlisted personnel together with the CS/Methyl Chloride to the killing teams at Waco.
He sent Jackson to attack the Russians--whom he persisted in calling "Soviets".
We had traitorrapist42 turned at Oxford to become a threat to national security.
Do we need another such psychopath in service to das Butch von Buchenvald overseeing the final solution to the conservative problem?
The short answer is no.
Ever read the book "Lucky Bastard"?
It's by an ex-CIA agent and is fiction, but is chilling in its parallels to the story of traitorrapist42, and how he got turned and functioned for life as an "agent in place".