To: RobbyS
I think it prohibist a federal ban.The whole Bill of Rights is designed to limit federal power. The state can do it. That is if the theory of incorporation has not been extended to the states
16 -robb-
Under the supremacy clause of Art VI, our BOR's has always applied to all government, -- fed/state/local.
From our beginnings people in new territories were subject to territorial law, administered by the congress, which was under the BOR's restrictions.
After statehood, it would hardly be rational to claim a mans freedom of speech or RKBA's could now be prohibited by the new states legislators.
CA entered our union without a RKBA's provision in their state constitution. They now claim the 'right' to prohibit certain rifles because of that oversight.
They are wrong.
Don't swallow the 'states rightists' bull.
They are statists, not conservatives.
17 posted on
09/22/2003 9:53:38 PM PDT by
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: tpaine
The Bill of Rights was not applied to the States until the 1920s and under the terms of the 14th Amendment equal protection clauses in accordance with the incorporation doctrine. The practical effect has been to negate the 9th and 10th Amendments.
18 posted on
09/23/2003 7:07:37 AM PDT by
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