To: realpatriot71; MHGinTN; hocndoc; Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
This is very complicated and no one person has all the answers. But most agree that technology can be used for good or evil and there must be some way to maintain human dignity.
I'll give you a case in point.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, for the last few years has been sounding an alarm bell with regard to genetic enginnering.
He explains that there is a group of engineers who already plan to create two new races: a "Master Race" and a "Worker Race". Dr. Nathanson explains in great detail the plans to have a master race with all the perfections that they can imagine, and a race of people that are genetically part horse. They will be genetically dumbed down, have super human strength and stamina to do manual labor and will be housed in human barns. They will be as disposable as old horses as well.
Another one. Embryo farms. They've been here in some capacity for decades. Some scientists are trying to develop artificial wombs to completely concieve and bring to term people in what will amount to human parts factories.
The movie "Logan's Run" and others like it will be a reality. Someone has to draw the line somewhere, because some will not stop anywhere.
Our technology is FAR outpacing our ethics/morality.
We are in essence building a "New tower of Bable"
31 posted on
09/21/2003 10:50:29 PM PDT by
(Abortion is the Choice of Satan, the father of LIES and MURDERER from the beginning.)
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, for the last few years has been sounding an alarm bell with regard to genetic enginnering. He explains that there is a group of engineers who already plan to create two new races: a "Master Race" and a "Worker Race". Dr. Nathanson explains in great detail the plans to have a master race with all the perfections that they can imagine, and a race of people that are genetically part horse. They will be genetically dumbed down, have super human strength and stamina to do manual labor and will be housed in human barns. They will be as disposable as old horses as well. I hadn't heard this one. I'd like to read more. Do you have a link?
Our technology is FAR outpacing our ethics/morality.
This is a good point. Bioethics has definitely taken a turn into the "gray area" with the new technologies.
39 posted on
09/22/2003 8:32:48 AM PDT by
(legalize freedom!)
Our technology is FAR outpacing our ethics/morality. Possibly. There should be more discussion of the situation.
42 posted on
09/22/2003 9:28:31 AM PDT by
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