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To: realpatriot71
Scientists would like for the world to consider them neutral, above the 'pettiness of religion, uninterested in social engineering', but the greed/power-lust of some significant scientists (mischaracterized as compassion for those in need of cures NOW) is exposed in the stem cell debates and cloning controversies. Ask yourself why the scientists wishing to do human cloning for stem cells and body tissues, now, have abandoned the past methodology of animal models until more exact understanding is found, before going into human experimenting. I wonder, if the energy expended on stirring up public chaos regarding human embryonic stem cell exploitation had been used to study more fully the higher mammalian models, would the scientists now know how to take adult stem cells or cord blood stem cells and 'back them up' to bring them forward again developing tissue specific categories?
29 posted on 09/21/2003 10:28:20 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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I wonder, if the energy expended on stirring up public chaos regarding human embryonic stem cell exploitation had been used to study more fully the higher mammalian models, would the scientists now know how to take adult stem cells or cord blood stem cells and 'back them up' to bring them forward again developing tissue specific categories?

I suppose there could be some sort of "engineering conspiracy" (and I'm serious - its a possibility), but I personally think that the reason for the push to use human stem cells (embryonic or otherwise) is that other mammallian models do not overlap as nicely as science would like. Since we have the technology to work with human stems, we should - at least that is what I think the scientists in this area think.

38 posted on 09/22/2003 8:27:03 AM PDT by realpatriot71 (legalize freedom!)
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