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I find it ironic that at the same time those who breed animals and plants - especially food sources - are finding how important it is to maintain genetic diversity and native gene pools because of the risk of loosing an entire species to disease or climate change when the genotype is homogenous, humans are playing a game of chance with our own genome.

Diversity is good -- especially genetic diversity. We just don't know enough to play with the genes of humans.
22 posted on 09/21/2003 8:58:19 PM PDT by hocndoc (Choice is the # 1 killer in the US)
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To: hocndoc
excellent post.

The scary part is, this technology WON'T be used to create more productive humans, it will be used to create prettier humans without regard to side effects because they won't know what the side effects are untill after it's been done.

Humans are very shallow and very selfish creatures. If they had a choice between having a cute cuddly little baby that's cuter and cuddlier than everyone elses little baby, and a baby that will someday grow up to be slightly above average in some area of cognative ability, the vast majority would most certainly choose the cute baby. They would do this because they are selfish, ignorant jackasses. And so this science would be used in the most profitable way possible, and that is to cater to the masses and we as a society will see the creation of a new class of people. Designer babies that are born to be cute, regardless of the negative side effects. Sure, everone will be claiming to be able to give you a cute baby that also has superior health, but come on, don't be so naive. Dog and cat breeders all claim the same thing, yet practially all we see is pets with congenetal defects that show up in the pet's later years. It will be the same with designer babies. But that's ok because we will then invent designer drugs to take care of the designer babies' health problems...right?

What a freaking joke.
51 posted on 09/22/2003 5:19:00 PM PDT by mamelukesabre
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