To: GWB and GOP Man
Only sick and evil people would think of that creep as a hero. He is the lowest form of life imaginable.
Yes, he can compete with Hitler, Stalin, and Castro, can't he? Poor Terri learned too late the truth about Schiavo, and now she must pay with her life. Even old Adolf might have spared Terri under these circumstances!
To: Theodore R.
Mister Michael the Sadistic Monster is an appropriate name for Michael Schiavo.
Judge George "Adolph Stalin" Greer is a fitting nickname for the Dishonorable judge.
The physician who wrongly assessed Terri's condition can be 'affectionately' referred to as 'Kevorkian Jr.' and/or 'Dr. Death Jr.'
To: Theodore R.
Only sick and evil people would think of that creep as a hero.
Yes, and Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Pol Pot all had their admirers too. At least Castro didn't starve little Elian to death, but he may have cut the child's milk rations in that socialist paradise still called "Cuba." is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson