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To: freeparoundtheclock
Ah, Saint Glenn.

He's actually the reason I contacted Terri's family in the first place. I started listening to him in 2000 because I thought he was insanely clever and very comical. He did a very lengthy bit about Terri in 2002 (around the November trials) and I heard the guy out. Before that broadcast, all I read about the case was that Terri was in a "coma" or "pvs" and that the parents were blocking the husband from seeing her wishes carried out. No joke. That is how local media reported it.

The day of Glenn's program in 2002, he started going off (and I mean OFF) on Michael Schiavo. He said some pretty strong stuff (dem's fightin' words, Glenn) and I thought he was on a bit of a tear. But, he gave the web site addy out and I decided to check it out for myself.

I read for hours. News article links, court documents, the family's perspective on things. I gotta tell you - I was horrified. I was actually humbled as well.

I contacted the family and told them that I didn't really have a ton of money to throw at them, but I would volunteer all the time in the world to help them.

There's no way I can express how happy I am that I did that. I've met four really remarkable human beings. A very cool and close family. Four very comical people (I don't know how they hold up, but they do) and I feel as though this is one of the most important things that has come along.

For getting my eyes opened up and for doing the same for a lot of people out there, Glenn Beck is to be commended. I am forever in his debt and I think he's probably a pretty right-on kind of guy.

641 posted on 09/26/2003 3:23:14 PM PDT by phenn (
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To: phenn
You are right on target about Glenn Beck. I have only been a listener of his program for about a year and just became a regular listener since the war in Iraq began.

His is hilarious and Stu deserves a lot of credit as well. I like it when Glenn cracks up during one of their skits and you can tell he is doing his best to keep from bursting into laughter.

I have been a listener of Rush Limbaugh since 1989 and still love Rush, although I am disappointed Rush hasn't mentioned Terri's case on his program. I have Rush 24/7 and beginning tonight I will email Rush and write in the topic heading 19 DAYS TO HELP SAVE TERRI'S LIFE. I will do this every day and pray Rush wakes up and takes an interest in this case.

Part of Sean Hannity's problem is that his call screener is "Flipper" a liberal vegetarian feel good phony animal rights activist. She once thought she was saving a lobster by returning the creature to a large body of water.
The only problem was she put him/her into a fresh water lake and forgot to remove the rubber bands around the claws.

Flipper is a lobster killer.

643 posted on 09/26/2003 4:05:49 PM PDT by GWB and GOP Man (Conservative for Life)
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