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To: floriduh voter; kimmie7; pc93; Theodore R.
Know that I have neither the time or desire to participate in your adolescent game. Further, it is less than ethical to intentionally skew a fact so as to misinform in order to appear to know what your talking about.

Please read, along with everyone else, the first paragraph of Judge Lazzara's 23 Sep "ORDER" and explain why you decided to omit that portion of the paragraph which speaks to the function AG Crist will/must play to defend the dastardly statutes enacted by the Death 'r Us state.

You dishonor your name and insult the intelligence of those active on this thread by your self-serving actions.

The first paragraph of the Order reads:

"First, because the Second Verified Amended Complaint questions the constitutionality of Chapter 765 of the Florida Statutes both on its face and as applied to the Plaintiff, and because neither the State of Florida, nor any of its agencies, officers, or employees are parties to this action, the Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2403(b), hereby certifies to The Honorable Charlie Crist, Attorney General of the State of Florida, that the constitutionality of a statute of the State of Florida affecting the public interest is drawn into question in this case. Consequently, in accord with 28 U.S.C. § 2403(b), the Attorney General is advised that the State of Florida will be permitted to intervene in this proceeding for presentation of evidence, if evidence is otherwise admissible, and for argument on the question of the constitutionality of Chapter 765. The Attorney General shall notify this Court on or before October 6, 2003, in a pleading filed with the Clerk as to whether the State of Florida will intervene in this case and participate in all future proceedings."

I'm not going to indulge in a petty "....why are you here...." comment. One might wonder, however, what your motivation was in asking it.

560 posted on 09/25/2003 12:34:16 PM PDT by Robert Drobot (God, family, country. All else is meaningless.)
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To: Robert Drobot
"will be permitted" which is not the same as "is ordered and adjudged". Now get away from my computer screen. lol
562 posted on 09/25/2003 12:49:17 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: Robert Drobot
First of all, the Order does not "order" AG Crist to get involved. It only states that the constitutionality of the Florida statutes has been called into question by this new pleading, and that the state "will be permitted to intervene in this proceeding..."

This is something that the judge has to do, a formality, if you will.
He has to notify the Attorney General's office, but the AG is not required to do ANYTHING.

Remember that issues of constitutionality are ultimately decided by federal courts, not by Florida's attorney general, and the final arbiter is the U.S. Supreme Court.

Have you considered the possibility that he might do NOTHING, and wait to see what the judge does?

When you speak of the "function AG Crist will/must play to defend the dastardly statutes enacted by the Death 'r Us state" , are you not assuming that he WILL defend the Florida statutes? Where is there any indication that he will defend these statues? The Order only tells him to let the court know by Oct. 6 " WHETHER (my emphasis) the State of Florida will intervene in this case and participate in all future proceedings."

As to people playing "games", I don't know about you, but I sense that the other people on this thread are just doing their level best to help, so please chill out a bit.

565 posted on 09/25/2003 1:03:22 PM PDT by Deo volente (God willing, Terri Schiavo will live.)
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