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To: pc93
yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again.

I thought that this is why it was set to be removed 10/15--to give her a chance. Forgive me for not scrolling down for the answer in the comments, but I don't have the time today.

Well, we shouldn't be surprised so much is swept under the rug. It would be interesting to see how much the Right toDie people have contributed to the coffers of the relevant politicians.

Then the precedent will be set for any and all that reside in FL (and beyond).

And JBush by his inaction is making it ALL POSSIBLE!!! His hands are not tied.

319 posted on 09/23/2003 10:47:24 AM PDT by attagirl
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To: attagirl
Jeb Bush was the catalyst that caused our outrage at Free Republic towards Judge Greer. Jeb has a HUGE SUPPORT NETWORK AT FR and he's heard from us loud and clearly. He may not be able to comment further since his letter made him part of the case i.e. letter = exhibit. That's possible even if there is no gag order.

I have refrained from bashing Jeb but have taken pot shots at the GOP. I have threatened to become an independent if no leaders do anything and they take Terri's life on their fourth attempt.

It's not Jeb. It's the lousy exit protocols in Florida that look like they were written by the pro-death movement, with ambiguous language allowing for fraudulent and abhorrent activities.

355 posted on 09/23/2003 6:58:08 PM PDT by floriduh voter (
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