"...For over 50 years Euthanasia has been advertised with such slogans as "The Right to Die", "Mercy Killing", and more recently "Aid in Dying", "Concern for Dying", the "Right to Autonomy". Before accepting this soft-sell it is vital to examine the history of the Euthanasia movement, and the aims and ideals of its supporters.
The National Society for the Legalisation of Euthanasia was founded from the First Humanist Society, whose President was Dr. CHARLES FRANCIS POTTER. On January 17 1938 the New York Times reported "Sanction is sought for Mercy Deaths". Potter stated: *** "WE HAVE FOR YEARS BEEN ACTIVE IN THE BIRTH CONTROL MOVEMENT... SINCE THAT FIGHT IS LARGELY WON, WE ARE FREE TO TRANSFER SOME OF OUR EFFORTS TO THE EUTHANASIA ENTERPRISE." ['ENTERPRISE'!!!!] The Advisory Board's members included Havelock Ellis, H. G. Wells and JULIAN HUXLEY [FIRST DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF UNESCO]. Later Somerset Maugham and Margaret Sanger joined. Sanger was renowned for her objection to the poor having children, and was a staunch supporter of eugenics. Professor Foster Kennedy, the neurologist at Cornell Medical School, headed the new group; named the "Euthanasia Society of America," and the New York Times of January 27 reported "`Mercy' Death Law Proposed in State"....."
Speech to the Cambridge Union opposing the Motion
"This House supports Voluntary Euthanasia", 9 November 1995
by Dr Peggy Norris, Chairman of ALERT
http://www.donoharm.org.uk/leaflets/oppos.htm "..Sir JULIAN S. HUXLEY (1887-1975). Grandson of Darwins "bulldog" (Thomas Huxley), Julian Huxley was the leading spokesman for evolution by natural selection in the mid-20th century. Upon being named the first director-general of UNESCO, he was able to make evolution the keystone of United Nations scientific policy. He saw it as his opportunity to extend evolutionary thinking to the nations of the world, and he made the most of it (Julian Huxley, UNESCO pamphlet)...."