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To: syriacus
Could you give a summary of the complaint, syriacus ... my computer was put together in Bibletime days, with wiring and phone line to match ... I gave up after waiting a bazillion minutes for the file to load ... Thanks ...
287 posted on 09/23/2003 8:38:02 AM PDT by Pegita ('Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word ...)
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To: Pegita; floriduh voter
The quick summary is that most if not all the points brought up on the monster thread are covered by this amended complaint. It is 34 pages long. It includes our gripe about how the money has been misused by Schiavo, yet approved by Greer. Also, it's basically charging that under the color of Florida law, the state of Florida (by means of Greer and Schiavo as its actors) is allowing Terri to be put to death without due process of law. It talks about a "symbiotic relationship which cloaks Schiavo with the authority of the state to terminate Terri's life." (#36)

It uses a term "ultra vires" about the way that Schiavo and Greer have committed these acts against Terri. (Does anyone know what "ultra vires" means? I'm guessing it roughly translates as "beyond their power", but I've never taken Latin.) In #60 it says,"The actions of Schiavo in depriving Terri of her liberty interests as enumerated above in this Count have been committed ultra vires, in violation of both the Fourteenth Amendment and the Florida's guardianship statutes and without authority arising from any guardianship plan, which Schiavo has refused to file for three years."

I think Anderson and the other attorneys (Ferrara, Crow, and another Anderson) are throwing the whole kit and caboodle at them. They want the money to be given back to Terri's fund. They want everything to be fixed. I hope they get it, because Terri deserves all of this.
318 posted on 09/23/2003 10:47:20 AM PDT by Ohioan from Florida
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