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To: phenn
Well, I am hoping and praying that our society really isn't comfy with this horror, but I do believe that we are asleep at the wheel! I know I was until I saw Terri's video. Now I can't stop thinking about this travesty! I want so much to believe in the goodness of mankind, instead of how evil we have become, but there are some pretty blaring facts that are difficult to keep overlooking. I feel as helpless as the Jews in Nazi Germany, wondering when this craziness will all stop. I am praying that it will stop in time for Terri and her family! May God guide us in this time of need!
1,011 posted on 10/02/2003 4:21:15 PM PDT by Ohioan from Florida
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To: Ohioan from Florida
I get that from so many people. They didn't think too much into this until they saw her for their own eyes. Then, they flipped their noodles. I've received so many emails stating "what in the hell is wrong with you people in Florida!!?"

What they don't seem to see is that Florida and Terri are the test cases. This is coming to a hospital near you if this goes down. Believe me when I tell you that the people of Florida have legitimate concerns over this. More than 40% of them are of retirement age. Would you want this hanging over your head in the years that were supposed to be fun and worry-free?

Yes, people are blind to this. I will give you that. But, when they see the videos of Terri, they come round fast. They see what's going down. It should horrify each and every one of us.

Bottom line, kids: We don't execute people because we might be personally inconvenieced by them one day.
1,012 posted on 10/02/2003 5:13:38 PM PDT by phenn (
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