To: xzins
I couldn't agree with you more. I merely stated that this particular Mom seems to be a little gung-ho in this case. The article doesn't mention anything else being handed out (religious-wise.)
26 posted on
09/21/2003 11:35:00 AM PDT by
(..........I *LOVE* hitting the abuse button...............)
To: EggsAckley
I mean nothing handed out, PERIOD.
They can't hand out halloween candy, nor bunny eggs, nor birthday cupcakes, nor anything.
The teacher can NEVER give an opinion on anything.
Everything banned or everything allowed.
If ANY opinion is expressed, then ALL opinions should be allowed to be expressed.
If we say, for example, that political opinions are OK, then we're saying that FREE EXPRESSION is OK. If we then turn around and ban religious opinions, then we're saying that RELIGIOUS OPINIONS are not acceptable by our system.
29 posted on
09/21/2003 11:39:38 AM PDT by
(And now I will show you the most excellent way!)
To: EggsAckley
I merely stated that this particular Mom seems to be a little gung-ho in this case.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
~Barry M. Goldwater
32 posted on
09/21/2003 11:45:39 AM PDT by
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