1. The next day 20 million listeners heard Rush Limbaugh describe the memorial as a "sham" and "disgusting," with a "planted audience."Actually, Limbaugh played numerous lengthy (3 to 5 minute) clips from the "memorial" and it was easy for listeners to decide for the themselves that the whole thing was a sham. And, if it was all really a right-wing plot to discredit the "memorial," then why does this Associated Press article say that "Mr. Wellstone's campaign manager, Jeff Blodgett, apologized for the event the next morning?" Note that he apologized before Limbaugh's show or any other conservative radio or TV show.Further, why does the article describe members of Wellstone's team realizing that it was a public relations disaster immediately after the event? Do you think that Limbaugh and Fox News called them and told them of their secret plans to undermine the lovely memorial?And why did Governor Jesse Ventura walking out of the "memorial?" He isn't exactly a mind-numbed robot of the religious right, you know.
Now we don't expect anything like integrity from these reporters, do we?
The Democratic Party has become nothing more than a series of industrial accidents just waiting to happen.Almost a year later, and that statement is more true than ever.