A lot of important info here - but it's now nearly TWO years since this article appeared and FOUR years since 9/11.... WHY is the Bush administration saying virtually nothing about anything??? Do they simply lack any more definite evidence, or is there something else in play here? I know Bush does not care about polls, but the severe erosion of support for the Iraq war is truly hurting national security -- not only does it make it more difficult to succeed in our current endeavor, but it makes it nearly impossible to consider doing what we need to do next: confront Iran and Syria with imminent catastrophe if they do not straighten up and stop sponsoring terrorism against our troops!
I don't understand it, Enchante. I used to think that the president would lay it all out in his own time. That's not going to happen. And it's a mistake. A big one. One of his few.
Check out this thread for all the links, going back to the 90's, between Saddam and OBL.
Did you know that in the 1990's the mainstream media wrote dozens of articles that talked about the world's alarm at the growing relationship between Saddam and Osama bin Laden? They think we can't look this stuff up.