To: Peach
Still, Peach, even without the 'spook stuff' -- the Administration during WWII talked up the war. Talked up our victories. Talked up Why We Fight!
WHERE is GWB? Why isn't he talking to us more? Or sending Rummy out to talk to us? Where are the pro-American voices for victory? Why do we hear Ted Kennedy's LIES about our President -- and not one Republican DEMANDS equal time to rebut him -- I would be screaming!
WHEN will the Republicans get decent PR help???? I just can't believe what I'm hearing -- even people who supported the war are being drip-drip-dripped to death. President Bush's pre-9-11-2003 speech was wonderful. But MORE!!! We need to hear from you -- LEAD, dammit! That's part of the job too!
Thank you... :-) rant done!
32 posted on
09/20/2003 9:34:59 PM PDT by
To: Jerez2
I agree with every word of your rant. We often complain in my household about why the administration doesn't go public with their victories and why, especially, they don't go public more often with WHY we went to war. Remind people. Teach. That's what Reagan did and we need more of it.
33 posted on
09/20/2003 10:29:29 PM PDT by
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