The Hamas armed wing are wrong to kill innocents and I condem them for doing so, however they think they have a righteous cause. They also have another wing of Hamas which does in fact help the poor and needy in the area. So should we condem the poor and needy also?
On my previous post I was actually referring to A-Q and not Hamas and remember Hamas were set up with the assistance of Israel.
Everyone should have a pardigm shift and try to solve the problem rather then perpetuate it.
Hate breeds Hate
They and al qaeda are both islamofascist terror groups whose sole purpose is killing Jews, Westerners, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone else who isn't like they are.
So, are you saying that you're all for making al qaeda a part of the so-called "political process" and overlook that little mishap from 9/11/01?
Hate breeds Hate
And eliminating the Islamazis breeds a better future for the whole world.
They started the fight, WE will finish it.
Cry me a river for their deaths...they were preventable if these ANIMALS evolved past thinking that an opposable thumb is a useless thing...
Their entire CULTURE is built around the ravings of a self-grandeurized pedophilic mass murderer, and the enslavement of the world to said philosophy.
War is wearing a strapped on bomb into civilian populations as to do the MAXIMUM damage to children and war BACK AT them will be the systematic ELIMINATION of them all as a threat...since they ALL ARE a threat to all frere life on Earth.
Show me how they are deserving of sympathy or survival, and I will show you chapter and verse on how they have brought pain and sorrow to ALL they contact...including their own self-inflicted pain!
Please, I beg you, dontate to Hamas's efforts to help the needy and poor. Your own country would consider you a sponsor of terrorism. Funny, the US and the EU have recognized this for the farce it is, and now consider the whole entity a terrorist group. But you know better, they are really just a there to help the needy and poor. You took the bait hook, line, and sinker. You are a shill for Hamas if you believe that they have a 'good' side.