I say drain the D#$N swamp. Put Wahabbism on the historical rustheap with communism and Nazism. We go find these Wahabbis, whereever they are, and kill them all. No mercy. Because, folks, I am very convinced it really is us or them, they certainly see it that way.
"We'll be safe when they are dead."
I think the author was trying to find out who the man was because he (the author) thought maybe it would comfort someone to know how their loved one died. I know that sounds sick....but it may comfort a mother to see that her son had made his own decision about how he was going out, and that he looked defiant, and not afraid. Us mothers have this terrible fear of fear in our children.
I also think he thinks we should all "witness" the man's death. I mean, for cripes sake, THE GUY JUMPED TO WHAT HE HAD TO KNOW WAS CERTAIN DEATH....and we're too damn queasy to look? Who had the bigger "thing" to do, he and his jump, or us and our look? As angry, sad, fearful, vengeful as that picture may make you feel, think what he was feeling. Is your discomfort anywhere near the utter panic, desperation, resignation he was feeling? Is it too much for us to look and remember? The people who jumped/were pushed are heroes (not to take anything away from the other hero/victims of that day). They didn't just let it happen to them, they called their own final shot. That's brave....surely we can be 1/100th as brave as to look.