Matt has gone to great lengths, and in a very natural way in the story, to show that there are good people working within the system as well.
The rogue players are the really bad guys in this book...and they are abetted by the politicians who are seeking to turn every event towards their good instead of towards the good of the people they were elected to serve...thus they too become domestic enemies. In addition, there's the "go along to get along" crowd, who also end up being pawns of the rogues and pols.
The book is so good at showing the dangerous trends and how they could be used by those seeking to play both ends off against each other for their own benefit.
In the end...all tyrants do this type of thing.
EFOD gives us a clear message that... 1) There are those who will take advantage of the pols and the apathetic...and 2) There are those who fight to retain their liberty at all costs, in the face of all of the others.
I've got mine and am lending it out as quick as I can and to as many people as I can...who are going to buy it and do the same.