To: LadyX
I thought our travel from San Diego to Texas through the desert with a 6 mo old and 2 year old was an adventure!(no A/C).I think mine was easy,now.This was at the end of Navy service 53 through 56.
I recall doing lessons while my Dad listened to Edward R Murrow and "This is London".We are the same age!I am sure we went to church as soon as we knew about Pearl Harbor.I was in Dallas in a beauty salon when Kennedy was assassinated and ,thank God, with family on 9/11.I will never forget the look in my son in law's eyes as he conveyed the news.
78 posted on
09/08/2003 9:55:47 AM PDT by
To: MEG33; WVNan; Dubya; ladtx; Aeronaut; The Mayor
"We are the same age!" And a great age it is!
You and Nan and I would qualify as Venerable Ones, were we in China..:))
My boys were born 17 April 1954 and 1 July 1955 -
moved seven times between those two dates 14 1/2 months apart!!
(Marine first - Navy then - Air Force third.)
Then within 7 months after that, twice more for a total of 9 in under two years, before I was 22.
To be a military wife requires being Wonder Woman!!
83 posted on
09/08/2003 10:19:24 AM PDT by
(((( Count your blessings - not your woes ))))
To: MEG33; ladtx
Your desert travel description reminds me when we left Fairbanks in June 1966, we drove down the Alaska Highway, through Canada, down the Rockies; across the South and to South Florida to visit relatives - then up to Myrtle Beach, SC for the next duty station.
It was over 5,000 miles of driving, ladtx, from 55 degrees in Fairbanks, jackets down to New Mexico - 105 degree tempertures in Texas and steamy 90's the rest of the way.
I finally thawed out!
84 posted on
09/08/2003 10:27:07 AM PDT by
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