I was honest. I am sorry for my tone, and my anger. I am not going to walk on broken glass. I don't expect those who have wronged me to do either. If you believe I should fake something I don't feel, I think that is what I believe much of this argument is about in the first place.
Do those of us who profoundly disagree with the direction in Iraq falsely pretend we don't to stay popular with the cool crowd? I seem to get the vibe that I should, or to shut my mouth.
I have chosen not to do so. I don't walk on water. Yes, I was pissed off when Ohio accused somebody of wishing ill upon her son. She regrets it, I regret attacking her so vehemently. I will move on now. I am unpatriotic, cruel to mothers, and an evil person.
I will go buy ten George W. Bush action dolls as pennance.
And what a great way in keeping the economy going ;0) .. *L*