I have passed many of my mementos from the space program to schools and other folks. If my house burns down, not all of it will be lost. I have never sold a single item from the space program. I have flags and patches that flew on shuttles presented to me. I know I could get alot of money for these, however, I would rather give them away than sell them.
while my kids were in elementary school my wife was heavily involved in the PTA and school board and worked with the teacheres on puting together curriculam, particularly computer stuff (which I do) and the space program. We used to go down to Florida alot (we discovered annual passes to Disneyworld... don't ask (g)) and we'd almost always go over ot the Kennedy Space Center and go to the Teachers center. If you brought your own blank VHS tapes or 35 mm film they'd let you make copies of their material for class room use. They built an amazing science program around the stuff we brought back. It's been about 10 years now and they've dropped most of that and the teachers involved have moved on or retired. I would have given my collection to them, but I'm afraid the new folks would say "thanks but no thanks."
Huntsville is about 4 hours from here and we used to visit at least once a year. I've often thought they might have a place for some of my stuff.
Huntsville is where I met (shook hands with and got a book signed by) Buzz Aldrin, as well as seeing the rest of the Apollo 11 crew. That was the 20th anniversary of their mission. A friend and I went to the adult space camp there, along with a group we put together through the old Space Forum on Compuserve. One of the guys on my team was an IBM contractor who worked on the Shuttle GPC computers, reviewing the code. We even had Jesco Von Putkamer, just retired from NASA headquarters, volunteer to be available to answer questions online if anything come up. Fun memory.