I still can't forget hearing folks die who jumped... or for that matter looking at all of those firemen/cheifs on their phones in the Lobby of (tower 1 I think it was) and seeing how frantically they were working... and knowing that all of em were going to die within minutes of the taping.
Heroes... every one of em.
Sure wished CBS would have bleeped out the profranity (as I'd kinda like my kids to see it and they're still young). But other than the language issue (for those with kids), it is definitely worth watching. Just yet another very good reminder of the who the heros are and what the villans are willing to do.
Report From Ground Zero, by a New York Firefighter that was there Dennis Smith
...and interviews with various other firefighters and EMT personnel who were at different area's during 911. It goes (very specifically) into that day and what all of those brave men and women went thru, it even mentions those two French guys and even has an interview/recounting from one of them I believe.