The Red Chinese are saying that, if North Korea will not throw off Stalinism, it will be Red China, and not Russia, that will settle North Korean matters that may spread beyond the borders to the west, north and northeast.
"I am given to understand" that Russia, Japan, and South Korea are all lined up to continue many modernization projects regarding North Korea's infrastructure.
In a way, the noise coming from North Korea, is a cover-up --- the higher-ups protesting through communist channels, about the threat to communism; but the "axis" of Stalinism isn't interested.
The North Korean masters know that they are miserable landlords and time is now short. They are going to be replaced. They are trying, through "solidarity" to buy some time.
Their difficulty is that they are not generous, enterprising souls, and there's no place for them in North Korea's future. Though they like to think that with time, they can change.
Well, time is running out.
That is why they played the nuclear card.
Too late; does not matter; they have no future.
Their choices are now, go quietly or don't go quietly.
If loudly, then Red China has asserted certain of its military options.
Interestingly enough, a similar game is being played out in Zimbabwe. Mubage has been informed by the winds, the birds, the land, sea, and air, if you will, that he should just go away, too.
Unlike Saddam, Mugabe has no place to hide. He's a marked man; and easily so.
Of course, and as usual, IMHO.