I agree. The Constitution allows the Senate to advise and consent. It is wrong for a minority to be able to obstruct reguardless of who that minority is. We need judges and it is the responsibility of the Senate to confirm who is sent up unless there is a real non-political reason to not confirm. A majority fulfils that need.
The problem is that the Republican Party is just too go**amned polite and civilized. They're fighting a bunch of tantrum-throwing, childish, brain-dead foes in the Democratic Party. This is a war for the heart and soul of America, and the Democrats don't play by anyone's rules.
I NEED to see my Republican Party get down, get dirty, get MAD, kick some serious ass...........and fight these bastards. They just don't understand that being nice and polite doesn't cut it. I simply do not get why the Republicans in Congress haven't figured it out when everyone else in the country has.