To: fieldmarshaldj; AuH2ORepublican
Now, c'mon, Sonja ain't all that. (She's not going to run, at least at this point, anyway. I don't know if she's interested in elective office but she'd start out in local govt, you gotta figure.) You should see the chicks over on FOX. Hello, Ashley Anderson . . .
not to mention Suzette Rhee and Patty Pan
I love watching the local news in Charlotte!!!
85 posted on
09/03/2003 4:57:14 PM PDT by
(Robot robot robot)
To: JohnnyZ
(To clarify, Patty Pan for another network, not FOX; Suzette is I'm not sure where these days)
86 posted on
09/03/2003 5:05:06 PM PDT by
(Robot robot robot)
To: JohnnyZ; fieldmarshaldj
That Ashley Anderson is a hottie! If she's a conservative, we should nominate her right away to run against Sue Myrick in the primaries. I'd much rather watch Ashley on C-SPAN than ol' Sue.
Speaking of hotties, have you seen Brooke Adams, who's running as an independent in the CA recall? Here's her site: She's fairly conservative for a Californian (from her site I think she's against partial-birth abortion and most gun-control, and for tax cuts). Someone should encourage her to run for Congress in Southern California (but not me, my wife wouldn't let me : ).
87 posted on
09/03/2003 5:19:43 PM PDT by
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