Uh ksen, the Union-Leader is the newspaper and it is they who are afraid to print the whole interview.
They went the NYT route of writing editorials. Shouldn't I expect newspapers such as the NYT and the Union-Leader to publish what was actually said and not their interpertations by the editorial board?
Oh please, NOW who's using slimy, NYT/60 Minutes tactics? How on earth do you know the Union-Leader is afraid to print the whole interview?
Like I asked before, did you email them and ask them to print the whole thing? Did you ask them for a copy of it? What's stopping Mr. Gillespie from printing it?
In the writing of editorials it is exactly the opinion of the board and their interpretation of events that is looked for. You comparison fails.
Editorializing is perfectly fine in editorials. Sheesh!
To add to the Union Leader's argument, the facts of the recent GOP's actions and the non-denial by Gillespie indicate that the UL is right on in their statement.