How did you manage to catch on to the truth after a year of marriage? Most couples are not the most receptive people in the world at that point in their lives. I know my defiance gene was about at its peak at that point, and I probably would have blown any meaningful guidance heading in my direction.
You may not enjoy thinking about this, but maybe God has a reason for your seeming infertility, and it has to do with your pro-life mission.
How did you manage to catch on to the truth after a year of marriage? I learned about the abortifacient effect of the pill in pharmacology class in medschool and private research. Even when I was a lukewarm Catholic, even during my stage as an intellectual atheist in college, I was still pro-life.
The rest was purely through prayer, while praying the Rosary.
maybe God has a reason for your seeming infertility
Certainly! God has a reason for every cross He allows us to carry.
God's Will and Living the Present Moment