"I have alerted many media who have said they have been overruled about talking about it. Why is that?"
Note also the inclusion of the name Julian Huxley, communist and first Director-General of UNESCO (at link 5,077). My computer now has 41 windows and I can't pull up any more, but just google Julian Huxley UNESCO to learn more, if you need to. UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational (BRAINWASHING), Scientific, and Cultural(i.e., landgrabs via historical and cultural sites, etc.) Organization. One of their major landgrab plans is The Wildlands Project, which you probably know, intends to return at least 50 percent (conservative from what I've seen) of this country back to its pre-Columbus state (
http://www.wildlandsprojectrevealed.org ). I told one of my neighbors about this last weekend. She wanted to know where they would put all the people. Here's the answer. I think the plan is to cull the herd down to about 1 to 2 billion people. Some like Yoko Ono, would like to see it cut further, to about 300,000 to 500,000, I believe was her estimate (see the Georgia Guidestones. It's all so demonic).
BTW, speaking of brainwashing, people might be interested in reading this from the Committe on Un-American Activities 1958 (brainwashing is the job of the apostate churches, public schools, museums, such as, and in particular, the Smithsonian, and the media. I may have left someone out.):