I liked the repeated gag where Olive would climb out of a tub of wallpaper paste (or similar gooey substance) and her legs would be appear to be very shapely, causing both boys to commence with the wolf whistles. Then the paste would run down onto the floor, leaving only her pipe-cleaner legs (and two disappointed guys). They must've used that idea 100 times.
Also, since it's getting close to Christmas, here's a bit of fun trivia: "Aunt Bethany" in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (the one who gift-wrapped her cat) was played by the late Mae Questrel (sp?) - the voice of Olive Oyl in hundreds of those Popeye 'toons. I *knew* that voice sounded familiar.
There was a Minute Maid ad that clearly was saying Popeye and Bluto were gay. They share a Minute Maid and ignore Olive Oyl, riding off on a bicycle-built-for-two.
BTW, what happened when Napoleon went to Mt. Olive? Popeye got pi**ed.