Needless to say, even if you don't have any kind of gay-dar, you will know that they are as queer as a three-dollar bill
I have a very vivid mind picture of Greg and Anthony excitedly bouncing ideas such as a song called "Fruit Salad", off eachother at some gay bar when they're over heard by the bartender (AKA Captain Feather-Sword) who says "You know, girls, there's another couple of marys with a similar idea! Maybe I could introduce you!"
I read somewhere... probably it was here, that Australia is the gayest country on earth with something like 19% of 'em admitting to being homos, so it's not unlikely.
Guns Before Butter.
Don't laugh, Anthony Wiggle is one of the wealthiest entertainers in Australia, but of course they don't have real money there so I'm not sure it counts. The female Keystone Kop is kind of hot in a Robert Palmer video sort of way.