Yeah... surely it has to do with money, right? Surely it couldn't be because a bunch of black and white liberal atheists (of which I'm neither) convinced the inner-city's populations to abandon their churches for government programs, right? Nah... had to be the evil CEOs or something.
You have yet to say one intelligent thing this thread.
Abandon their churches ? What garbage. If you drive through a black inner city neighborhood you see practically a church on every block. What white neighborhoods have that ? In church attendance blacks vastly outdistance whites.
But the socioeconomic collapse created by the destruction of the low-semi skilled stable jobs that were the black community's base, the despair in the wake of deindustrialization, disempowered the respectable and empowered the gangbanger. If social mobility by obeying the rules and following the law is destroyed, you will have street culture becoming pervasive. When you have idle young men with no education and no future you have big trouble. You have it in Saxony, Russia, the British Midlands, etc. wherever deindustrialization has essentially left a generation without hope. Is it so hard to understand that people's values will be derived from how they perceive the world operates ? Is it so hard to understand that callousness is returned as viciousness and depravity ?
Do you know what kind of garbage is flowing out of so many of these churches? In the early 20th Century, the Abyssinian Baptist Church was one of the most influential, Christ-filled, churches this country has ever seen. Now, it is a Communist-loving dumphole that has not a clue.
But please, don't look to renew the spirit in these churches in these communities. Keep making excuses for the gangbangers and thugs terrorizing the black communities. Blame it all on CEOs and free traitors and capitalists and Republicans and everyone else you can find. I'm sure with that approach things will change and the Black churches and unity will be back to what they were in no time.
Just for fun, though:
Look at all the Democrat Party Files on Texas_Dawg's computer!!!