Before you go on about how "this country was founded on Christian this-or-that" remember that the founding fathers didn't once mention God in the Constitution. They did this for a reason.
Government should be religion NEUTRAL. This is not an un-Christian idea. Think about the consequences of allowing otherwise - what happens when Muslims or Hindus are in power one day? Is that statue of Mohommed gonna be okay just because the majority wants it there? If you're not Catholic, how 'bout a statue of Mary? Is that okay? With the precedent you want to set today, it would be perfectly possible for this to happen in the future.
The judge is more than welcome to hang the Commandments in his chambers or on his desk or anywhere else within his sole control. But they do not belong on display at a public building.
Your position is typical liberal crap.
What liberals do you know of who want to see the Ten Commandments remain posted in public places?
What planet are you from?