Our society was meant to be self-governing. Moral people do not need myriad laws to govern them...they govern themselves. When we are forced to inact myriad laws to try and govern and increasingly immoral people...we end up with tyranny, chaos and violence. I hate to say it, but that is where we are headed unless we experience a moral and religious revival of major proportions.
I pray for that eventuality...and then go out and work for it by sharing convictions in a reasoned fashion with as many as I can. I pray there is enough of a remnant here in this nation that will make progress with their friends and neighbors...that will open their mouths...so that people will choose the right path themselves.
In the end, either we as a people will choose for ourselves to see the obvious moral foundations to our society...or God in Heaven will ultimately point it out to us in an unmistakable way.
Paging Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore ... maybe it is the beginning.