Here's an interesting story. I left the Air Force in 1973 and went back to school under the GI Bill in 1976. I did summer theater two years at Minot State University and one of my fellow thespians was Lois Lehner. She actually traveled to Egypt while Mark was still studying for his degree. I remember one of the summer musical cast parties when Lois brought a slide projector and showed us the slides of her trip. She was able to travel to the top of Cheop's pyramid because Mark was a certified investigator.student with many friends at the Egyptian museum in Cairo.
Go figger!
The Egyptians did indeed build lakes around the base of the pyramid. They performed this engineering action to level the foundation of the pyramid. Evidence of dikes have been found. The dikes were filled with Nile river water to create a lake. A boat was rowed about the lake in an even set of rows and a sticks of equal length were driven into the lake until a red ring around the top of the stick was level with the water. The water was then drained away. The excavators dug the foundation to the base of the sticks and since they were all of equal length and had their top most ring even with the water level their foundation would be level, (parallel lines!).
Also the dimensions of the pyramid are evenly divisible by PI because the Egyptians used a wheel with a circumference equal to one cubit. So whenever they rolled that wheel to measure cubits they were encorporating PI in the measurement. No big secret there either.