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1 posted on 08/16/2003 7:09:52 PM PDT by VU4G10
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To: VU4G10
A guest-worker program might be in order

A guest worker program that precludes familes and children.

It's the cost to provide public services to the children (and the anchor babies) that is bankrupting California.

2 posted on 08/16/2003 7:18:03 PM PDT by Amerigomag
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To: VU4G10
Yes it is..but try to get FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN,MSNBC,NPR or the DNC/GOP to ever admit to it
3 posted on 08/16/2003 7:18:18 PM PDT by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: VU4G10
We need to change the citizenship law to reduce the incentive for this behavior. Being born on US territory to foreign parents should NOT make one a US citizen. Either you have a US citizen parent, or you go through naturalization... this give-birth-on-US-territory routine is getting old already!
5 posted on 08/16/2003 7:29:02 PM PDT by thoughtomator (Are we conservatives, or are we Republicans?)
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To: VU4G10
You know, I'm about ready to vote for this
Tancredo guy in 2008.
6 posted on 08/16/2003 7:29:52 PM PDT by Last Dakotan
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To: VU4G10
Seal-the-Border Bump.
8 posted on 08/16/2003 7:33:02 PM PDT by DoctorMichael (TAG! You're it!)
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To: VU4G10
I sent a letter detailing EXACTLY this information about an illegal alien I knew about:

9 posted on 08/16/2003 7:55:00 PM PDT by ikka
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To: VU4G10
Tancredo is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He can introduce legislation, gather sufficient support for the bill and the appropriation amount, recruit an allied sponsor in the Senate, send the bill up the chamber for vote and passage and get it to the President's desk. A bill that addresses the defecits in our current border patrol and immigration law, and provides the directives, regulations and funding to implement a solution.

So ... what specifically has Tancredo done as a legislator during this two year period sounding the alarm during his countless appearances on radio and TV?

11 posted on 08/16/2003 8:02:22 PM PDT by ArneFufkin
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To: VU4G10
" He has visited California on several occasions with the hope of forcing illegal immigration to a top-level issue in the 2004 presidential race.

 One vehicle, he said, might be a referendum in the nation's most populous state that would limit access to any government services to citizens or legal residents only."

Hello? We tried that? It was called Prop. 187, and some rotten vermin of a federal judge overturned it because it was "unconstutional". I can't even think about it for too long or my head will explode.

12 posted on 08/16/2003 8:06:37 PM PDT by Elliott Jackalope (This tagline is currently under construction....)
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To: VU4G10
How nice to hear from a conservative!!!!!!

With one position he's declared himself for REAL Homeland Security, the American economy, and LEGAL immigration.

Like Savage says: "Borders, language, and culture."

It really is that simple.
20 posted on 08/16/2003 8:54:19 PM PDT by tubavil
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To: VU4G10
Tom Tancredo/Virgil Goode

What a ticket!

21 posted on 08/16/2003 8:57:39 PM PDT by Militiaman7 (Congress, Bush and DoD steal the pensions of retired disabled vets.
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To: VU4G10
Hey, whatever happened to "If it bleeds, it leads!".
39 posted on 08/16/2003 10:13:59 PM PDT by Nachum
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To: VU4G10
Could this actually be, pardon my french, a politician with some balls? Lets hope the PC crowd doesn't get to him, and buy him off, if he does have a pair.
49 posted on 08/16/2003 10:32:04 PM PDT by vpintheak (Our Liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain!)
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To: VU4G10
Tancredo 2004!!!
67 posted on 08/17/2003 7:11:03 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: VU4G10; harpseal
A comprehensive measure that addresses this issue:

1. Get rid of government subsidies for offshore investment of US companies. OPIC is the first such program which should go but support of World Bank programs that subsidize the outflow of Capital would be another.

2. Use tariffs on those nations which are engaged in unfair trade practices such as currency manipulation (China and India for example), those nations which refuse to open their markets to US products (China for example with its 50% tariffs on US consumer goods and non tariff barriers), those nations that subsidize competition to American Industry (airbus for example) and those nations which have slave conditions for their workers.

3. Use tariffs and other means to prevent the relocation of jobs offshore that are essential to the national defense. If necessary take control of the company seeking to export vital technology or industry by means of eminent domain (No I do not like this last option and I will only defend its use as an absolute last resort like say in the case of rare earth magnets essential to smart bomb technology).

4. An immediate end to guest worker programs. If people wish to come to the USA to work and make a life let them immigrate according to the rules.

5 Provide economic development zones where the corporate income tax is zero for operations within these zones. In order to operate in this zone a company must agree to only purchase American components if available and employ only American citizens or legal immigrants in these operations. These economic development zones shall be eventually be expanded to include every bit of every state once the benefits are shown I would like them to be totally implemented immediately but I realize that may be overreaching.

6. Scale back unnecessary regulation including the tort system. Institute a cap on punitive damages, limits on class action suits, and limits on liability to the actual percentage of liability with no plaintiff able to collect if said plaintiff was involved in the commission of a felony at the time of the alleged tort or was more than 49% negligent in the alleged tort. Note that the loser in a frivolous lawsuit shall pay the attorney fees of the winner. There are many other regulatory structures that also need to be included that need to be included such as repealing the Family leave mandate, getting rid of OSHA etc.

7. Increase the domestic content in purchases by the Department of defense and give absolute preference in non-domestic content to proven allies of the USA over say the French or Germans. The only reason any content for DOD purchase may come from non US allies is that content is not available elsewhere and is essential.

8. Do not allow expense involved in moving operations overseas to be included in business expenses under the IRS code.

9. Prosecute for perjury anyone who has made a false statement in order to employ an H1B or L1 visa worker. I will be lenient on the actual perjurer if he/she was ordered to make this false statement and he/she provides testimony to aid in the conviction of the person ordering the perjury. Just because a person is a CEO does not give them a pass on criminal behavior.

10. Prosecute anyone who orders the transfer of vital defense technology or funds a R&D project that could be of use to our military overseas except to strong allies of the USA. Make the necessary enhancements to our espionage laws so that continued support or funding of any R&D in a nation whose government has threatened the USA is guilty of espionage. The UK and Australia come to mind as meeting these criteria for being eligible for transfer of technology first. There will be other nations and a gradation of what can be transferred to which specific nation. Under no circumstances may technology be transferred to any nation whose government has threatened the USA within five years without a complete change of government or specific exemption from Congress and the administration.

11. Deport all illegal aliens immediately and take measures that prevent the entry of any more illegal aliens. Fine [and sanction] all companies knowingly employing illegal aliens. Criminal sanctions should be imposed on anyone helping an illegal alien stay in the USA in violation of our laws.

12. Decrease the punishing levels of taxation on companies and eliminate the double taxation on corporate dividends. See effects of item 5 for how minimal this will be if item 5 covers the entire USA. Eliminate all IRS provisions that inhibit free use of independent contractors by businesses for example section 1706.

13. Eliminate the minimum wage so that the workers can be paid based on productivity. Overtime compensation will remain the same but instead of 150% of the "wage" the worker would receive 150% of the production pay. If one through 13 are enacted, #14 becomes an irrelevancy as no one will be working for that low a wage.

Question: Who'd be on board to support this?

69 posted on 08/17/2003 7:25:59 AM PDT by rdb3 (N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. Nupe)
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To: VU4G10
(COPY AND DISTRIBUTE WIDELY. Revise and Extend as you see necessary, start a movement, print a petition, start a political party, confront your legislators, write letters, post posters, drop leaflets, demand, demand, demand…)

18 POINT ACTION PLAN: Border Violators

1) Close all US borders to illegal entry forthwith by any and all means possible, including military presence.

2) Maintain legitimate immigration levels at modest annual level with requirements that immigrants be employable or sufficiently wealthy for self-support if they do not intend to work, proficient in basic English and willing to be assimilated into American culture and language. All applicants shall provide prints, photos and DNA samples.

3) Legal immigration shall be awarded to individuals on a lottery basis, wherein all countries are given equal status in the immigration lottery, without regards to color or economic plight of originating nation.

4) Individuals of Islamic faith (muslims) from any country shall be denied immigration privileges or entry into the US. Christians and Jews from muslim countries fleeing religious persecution shall receive accelerated immigration privileges.

5) Detain all border violators, taking photos, prints and DNA samples of said violator while at the same time, checking for out standing warrants. If no warrants are outstanding, return border violators to home country within 20 days via commercial airline and submit cost of such action, including processing and housing costs for said violator, to country of origin. If costs are not paid within 30 days, reduce any and all aid to said country by a like amount.

6) Should any country from which a border violator originates not currently receive any aid from the US, the Justice Department shall be authorized to seize or secure liens on assets owned, managed or registered to that country to the full extent of the obligation.

7) Establish new Guest Worker Visa (GWV) category, renewable every 6 months, for unskilled labor positions wherein all applicants shall provide prints, photos and DNA samples. Work permitted of such applicants shall be limited to one of several categories, including childcare, lawn/gardening, restaurant staff, cleaning and the like. Families of GWV workers are not permitted to enter US, nor will the birth of a child to one of GWV status confer citizenship to either parent or child.

8) Any violation of civil or criminal laws shall result in the forfeiture of the GWV and immediate return to originating country.

9) GWV holders shall be prohibited from claiming unemployment benefits, welfare support or free medical service.

10) The originating country of all GWV holders shall be responsible for any uninsured loss caused by the GWV, including emergency medical claims and/or claims resulting from illegal actions committed while in the US.

11) Companies who hire GWV holders shall submit to the Immigration Dept the name and GWV number of that individual, along with a description of employment tasks. Companies shall be subject to fines and penalty that fail to report employment of GWV workers, or hire border violators. GWV workers shall be paid with check, having income tax withheld. GWV workers shall not be subject to unemployment tax because they are not eligible to receive unemployment compensation.

12) Border violators, or any non-citizen not possessing a valid visa, detained by local police for any reason shall be turned over to border control officials for immediate deportation action, except if they face criminal charges in other jurisdictions.

13) GWV workers shall be prohibited for voting in local, state and federal elections.

14) Border Violators shall NOT be afforded the rights enjoyed by American citizens, as guaranteed under the constitution.

15) Public education (at institutions supported by taxpayer dollars) at any level (pre-school, kindergarten through the university level,) shall NOT be available to Border Violators (or children of Border Violators) and schools that enroll such individuals shall be subject to penalties.

16) Foreign Students (F/S) (individuals admitted to the U.S. for the purpose of attending any educational facility,) private institution or public (i.e. supported by taxpayer dollars,) must have valid student visas, such visas being in force only if the F/S attends school full-time. F/S shall be required to pay tuition, housing and related costs such that all their educational costs are fully reimbursed to the institution attended. The originating country shall pay for any and all loss caused by students while on U.S. soil.

17) Border Violators seeking emergency medical treatment shall provide pictures, fingerprints and DNA samples along with country of origin, and shall be treated, then incarcerated until information provided can be verified. Originating country shall bear the costs of medical treatment and confinement.

18) Children born in the U.S. to border violators, illegal aliens or of foreign nationals in the U.S. for any reason (including temporary visitor, school or work visas,) shall not be eligible for citizenship as circumstances of birth, nor shall the parents or parent’s family members (relatives) be conferred U.S. citizenship as a result of such births.

70 posted on 08/17/2003 7:27:39 AM PDT by Imagine
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To: VU4G10
Illegal immigration (as well as part of legal immigration) poses a serious threat to this country. We are fighting a new type of warfare where enemy soldiers are infiltrating our country and blending into various communities, waiting to commit another 9/11 or worse.

The function of our military should not be to provide humanitarian aid for some foreign country or be used as a diversion for a president's escapeds (as under Clinton). But to protect our borders and round up the illegals.

102 posted on 08/17/2003 2:52:25 PM PDT by Dante3
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To: VU4G10
Why is Tancredo so alone?
103 posted on 08/17/2003 2:56:03 PM PDT by Mamzelle
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To: VU4G10
Uh, Mr. Tancredo, I have one question....


116 posted on 08/17/2003 4:40:48 PM PDT by jetson
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To: VU4G10
Agree! Look at its impact on California! We've seen how population growth and limited resources can effect our country. See "Blackout of 2003"
140 posted on 08/18/2003 6:10:50 AM PDT by jonalvy44
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To: VU4G10
That amounts to about $10 billion a year, a third of the Mexican gross domestic product, he said.

Mexico's GDP was $633 billion in 2002.

153 posted on 08/18/2003 9:10:38 AM PDT by ArneFufkin
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