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America's Most Important Battleground: Christian vs. Secular Education
Chalcedon Report ^ | August 2003 | Tom Rose

Posted on 08/13/2003 3:04:46 PM PDT by Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS

During the colonial era of the 1700s, the most important battleground in America was in our churches. It was from the pulpits of Christian churches that faithful preachers of the gospel of Christ sought to ignite the glorious flame of God-given freedom and self-responsibility in the hearts and minds of Americans. And they applied the practice of this godly freedom and self-responsibility to the home, to the church, to business and society as a whole, and to the state. Without this continual educational effort by Christian preachers, which lasted for generations, there would have been no American Revolution, no history of Christian-based education in our country, nor would there have evolved an America which came to be known all over the world as "the home of the free and the brave." Indeed, the British crown so feared the power of America's preachers that they were dubbed the "black brigade!"

But the stentorian cry of freedom from most of America's church pulpits has long been silenced. And the scene of our spiritual battlefield has now shifted to the classroom — from pre-kindergarten to college and even post-graduate. It is in the humble classrooms of America's struggling Christian schools — homeschools, elementary schools, high schools, and colleges — versus the classrooms of richly endowed, secularly oriented private and tax-supported educational institutions — that the continued battle of freedom for the hearts and minds of American youth will be won or lost. And this ongoing intellectual and spiritual battle must be fought anew for each generation.

Secular Education
Some years ago I was invited to speak to the combined student body and faculty of a state university in North Texas on their "Free Enterprise Day." I chose "The Biblical Basis of the Free Market" as my topic. And, believe it or not, I received a very warm reception from the students. Then I got a surprise. The head of the Business Education Department asked me to meet with him in private.

"I liked what you had to say in your talk," he said. "How can I implement what you talked about here, at a state teachers' university?"

I replied that I didn't think he could do so on a consistent basis.

"Why not?" he asked.

"What view of man does your state university hold to?" I queried.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Doesn't your school hold to the view that man is the result of organic evolution, instead of being created in the image and likeness of God? As long as your institution holds to an anti-Biblical view of man," I explained, "you will eventually run afoul of the bureaucratic structure here if you attempt to consistently teach the Biblical view of man that I spoke about today."

"I see," this fine Christian man replied. "What you are saying is that I should quit my job."

"No, though that is always an option. What I'm saying is that you must recognize the basic conflict of views that exists between the humanistic view of man your institution holds to and the Biblical world-and-life view I expounded today. And then you must be willing to pay the price when the eventual confrontation comes to a head and you are asked to change or to resign."

I don't know what choice that well-intentioned Christian man made, but it is practically impossible for anyone who is part of a humanistically oriented institution — especially a tax-supported one — to consistently present a Biblical view of man to students. To do so would strike at the roots of the secular institution. This is also why parents put their children in grave spiritual danger by allowing them to attend tax-supported schools and universities.

John Dunphy, a "New Age" leader, clearly laid out the spiritual battle that Christian young people will encounter by attending tax-supported schools:

[T]he battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity....
The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and miseries, and the new faith of Humanism, ... will finally be achieved.1

Dunphy's statement of the spiritual warfare that exists in tax-supported education not only warns parents against the foolishness of entrusting their precious children to humanistically oriented educators, but it also should warn them about the textbooks that are used in tax-supported institutions: True Christian education also requires Biblically oriented textbooks!

Christian Education
To develop a consistent approach to Christian education, we must first start with a Biblical view of man — that man is created in the very image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26-28) and that man, therefore, has the right to be free2; but he also has the duty to stand before God as a self-responsible individual (Ex. 8:1). In other words, freedom and self-responsibility to God go hand in hand. Then, too, we must recognize that man is a fallen creature in need of salvation by God's grace alone and that he is condemned to live in a world that has been adversely affected by Adam's sin as man's federal head (Gen. 3). This presents a number of problems and contradictions: First, while it is God's plan for man to be free and self-responsible, he can't be trusted to wield power over others (Jer. 17:9) because of his sin problem. Thus the need for a civil government with limited authority. In short, the civil authority is to be a negative force in society (Rom. 13:3-4; 1 Tim. 2:1-2).

A starting point for our thinking about how to teach Biblically is to understand how man thinks and acts to improve his feeling of well being. As indicated above, we must consider what man is (a fallen sinner), his origin (a God-created being), and his destiny (to spend eternity either in heaven or hell). He is a self-responsible individual who is subject to God's universal law-structure that reigns over the whole creation.

For analytical purposes we can divide God's law-structure into:

  1. the spiritual sphere (moral law),
  2. the physical sphere (the laws of so-called natural science: mathematics, physics, chemistry, electronics, and other sciences),
  3. the political sphere (that is, how civil rulers are to discover, discern, and apply God's laws of governance in society: Ex. 19 and 20; Dt. 17:14-20), and
  4. the economic sphere (man is to "work by the sweat of his brow" in a fallen world to care for his family while honoring God; and man ranks available choices on an internal scale of value and then acts outwardly in mutually beneficial economic exchanges in his business and personal life).

With regard to the spiritual sphere of life, we should recognize that it encompasses all of God's creation. It envelops both the economic and political spheres. Accordingly, because of man's fallen nature, we must recognize that there is a constant tension between the political sphere and the broad economic sphere (of family, church, work, and play in society). For instance, we see through the study of history how civil rulers have always shown a seemingly inescapable tendency toward tyranny by attempting to overrule God's established laws.3 It is because of man's fallen nature and his tendency (even the Christian) to sink into humanistic thinking, that all teaching must be based on God's Word. If we are to replace ungodly foundations and institutions with godly ones, we must be guided by the Apostle Paul's admonition in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds:)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

The points listed above touch upon just a few of the rich insights regarding education that can be garnered from the Bible, which was the daily handbook of the early Christians who settled in colonial America. Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited America in the 1830s, was amazed to see the strong influence of Biblical Christianity in our young republic, and he specifically wrote in his Democracy in America about finding the Bible in daily use on the far frontiers by backwoodsmen and their families. America was built on the Bible and the Christian world-and-life view the Bible produced. We have largely lost this necessary and blessed influence in our modern society, but it can be regained if Christian families become more faithful to God by turning away from the false promises of secular-based, tax-supported education to true Christian education either by homeschooling or by attending honest-to-goodness, real Christian schools and colleges.

The choice between government-imposed tyranny or self-responsible freedom is always but one generation away, depending upon whom we invite or allow to inculcate our children, our most precious heritage and responsibility. J. Gresham Machen said it well:

But while tyranny itself is nothing new, ... the tyranny of the scientific expert is the most crushing tyranny of all. That tyranny is being exercised most effectively in the field of education. A monopolistic system of education controlled by the State is far more efficient in crushing our liberty than the cruder weapons of fire and sword. Against this monopoly of education by the State the Christian school brings a salutary protest; it contends for the right of parents to bring up their children in accordance with the dictates of their conscience and not in the manner prescribed by the State.4


1. John Dunphy, "A Religion for a New Age," The Humanist Magazine (Jan./Feb., 1983).
2. Man's right to be free follows logically from the creation account: God shared His free nature with man.Would God gift man with an attribute He did not expect man to enjoy and use? Biblically, man's freedom cannot be separated from his responsibility to God. Readers who are interested in a more-in-depth treatment of this topic can refer to: Tom Rose, Economics, Principles and Policy and God, Gold, and Civil Government (Mercer, PA: American Enterprise Publications).
3. See: Tom Rose, Economics: Principles and Policy, Chapter 4, "The Relationship Between Economics and Political Science" (Mercer, PA: American Enterprise Publications, 1996), 61-88.
4. J. Gresham Machen, "The Necessity of the Christian School," chap. in Education, Christianity, and the State, ed. by John W. Robbins (Jefferson, MD: The Trinity Foundation, 1987), 67-68.

Tom Rose is retired professor of economics, Grove City College, Pennsylvania. He is author of nine books and hundreds of articles dealing with economic and political issues, including economic textbooks for use by Christian colleges, high schools and home educators. Rose's latest books are: Free Enterprise Economics in America and God, Gold, and Civil Government, published by American Enterprise Publications, 177 N. Spring Road, Mercer, PA 16137. Phone: 724-748-3726; Website:

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: christianeducation; education
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To: Cathryn Crawford
How many high school (grades 9-12) students are being homeschooled?

An estimated 250,000 to 340,000 high school (grades 9-12) students were being homeschooled during the 2000-2001 conventional school year.

Do these numbers sound right to you?

21 posted on 08/13/2003 5:42:10 PM PDT by Scenic Sounds (All roads lead to reality. That's why I smile.)
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To: Scenic Sounds
Do these numbers sound right to you?

You know, I thought the number would be more than that, but this is just high school. Both my little brothers are homeschooled currently, but that is elementary school.

I was homeschooled from 1989 - 1998. That included only one year of high school, though. The other two years were in private school, but I used the same curriculum there that I used in homeschool.

I don't know what the stats were at that time. I'm sure that my mother would, though.

22 posted on 08/13/2003 5:49:24 PM PDT by Cathryn Crawford (Traficant is a real conservative who will stomp out the socialist rats but good!)
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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
"Doesn't your school hold to the view that man is the result of organic evolution, instead of being created in the image and likeness of God? As long as your institution holds to an anti-Biblical view of man," I explained, "you will eventually run afoul of the bureaucratic structure here if you attempt to consistently teach the Biblical view of man that I spoke about today."

This is where the fun starts. How about,

"Doesn't your school hold to the view that man is the result of organic evolution, the process initiated by God to create man in the image and likeness of God? "

23 posted on 08/13/2003 6:31:56 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Scenic Sounds; Cathryn Crawford; f.Christian
Education Policy Analysis Archives - A peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal publishing education policy analysis since 1993.

To achieve the goals stated @Free Republic will require a complete overhaul of government schools &/or a rapid rise in the homeschooling rate. F.R. can't remediate the masses who have been marinated for 12-20yrs in the dogma of Darwin, Marx, Wellhausen, Dewey, Freud, Keynes, Kierkegaard (Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave), Antonio Gramsci and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

24 posted on 08/13/2003 6:38:33 PM PDT by Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
Thank you. I wasn't doubting your stats, though. You've done an incredible job on this thread.
25 posted on 08/13/2003 6:40:10 PM PDT by Cathryn Crawford (Traficant is a real conservative who will stomp out the socialist rats but good!)
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To: <1/1,000,000th%

result of organic evolution, the process initiated by God

In those affidavits, two scientists, a philosopher, a theologian, and an educator, all of whom claim extensive knowledge of creation science, swear that it is essentially a collection of scientific data supporting the theory that the physical universe and life within it appeared suddenly, and have not changed substantially since appearing. SCALIA, J., Dissenting Opinion Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987) (USSC+)

Do Laws and Standards Evolve?

Evolution and the Law:

Darwinian Roots of Judicial Activism

Genesis and the Declaration of Independence

From nearly a Century agoThe Fundamentals A Testimony to the Truth

26 posted on 08/13/2003 6:50:01 PM PDT by Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
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To: Chad Fairbanks
Sorri, I are not to big awn edyookayshun...

Idiot. Moron. Freak. : )

(Note to A/M: I AM kidding, and Chad knows it.)

27 posted on 08/13/2003 6:53:00 PM PDT by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet (I call him "Mel". He calls me "Security".)
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To: Cathryn Crawford
"If an unfriendly power had attempted to im-pose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war."

Wow, thanks a million for the Ping to this.

28 posted on 08/13/2003 6:58:59 PM PDT by BOBTHENAILER (One by one, in groups or whole armies.....we don't care how we getcha, but we will)
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To: Cathryn Crawford

I was homeschooled from 1989 - 1998. That included only one year of high school, though. The other two years were in private school, but I used the same curriculum there that I used in homeschool.

Live long and continue to PROSPER

29 posted on 08/13/2003 6:58:59 PM PDT by Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
Heh heh heh
30 posted on 08/13/2003 7:19:55 PM PDT by Chad Fairbanks (The wages of sin are death, but by the time FICA and SSI are taken, it's just sorta tired feeling)
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To: DittoJed2
The libs have a vested interest in keeping the feds in our schools so that they can continue to dumb down the curriculum, rewrite history, protect the teachers' unions, force -feed multiculturalism and diversity, create dependency, and maintain a high level of ignorance about the Constitution.
31 posted on 08/13/2003 7:34:21 PM PDT by Faith
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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS; Cathryn Crawford
You forgot the No Child Left Behind Act, which is Goals 2000 solidified and then some.
32 posted on 08/13/2003 7:49:37 PM PDT by attagirl
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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS
From your first post,

These experts insist that creation science is a strictly scientific concept that can be presented without religious reference.

I have not actually seen this done, but I'll do a search on the authors referenced and see what turns up.

From the 2nd link,

Darwin offered modern man the same question which the serpent posed to Eve: "Hath God said?" thereby declaring man the ultimate source of authority.

Strawman. Darwin offered a way to organize the diversity of life in God's creation for purposes of study. God did grant us dominion.

By convincing large numbers of Christians that law is morally neutral, that human reason is the arbiter of truth, and that standards change as cultures mature, Darwinism has neutralized the restraining influence of Biblical Christianity on culture.

Darwin didn't do this. The fragmenting of Christian Churches into opposing camps did this. This started centuries before Darwin was born. In the US, Church-going Christians make up 73% of the population, but can't get a Bible class in publik skool because no one wants the other Christian Churches to set the curriculum. And don't get me started about the abomination the Episcopalians are perpetrating.

From your 4th link,

Pearcey sees a direct connection between Darwinism and the postmodern view that "the only objective and absolute truth is that there are no objective and absolute truths."

It's certainly true, as some of your links show, that Darwin was afraid that his work would not be well received in the faith community and that he turned agnostic, but nowhere did he promote moral relativism. Einstein's theory has been blamed for that as well.

The real situation is that the Christian community has abandoned it's leadership role in the world for reasons I don't understand. Maybe George W. Bush is the first in a new line of Christian presidents to bring us back from the brink? ;)

I'll be back.

33 posted on 08/13/2003 7:54:46 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Vindiciae Contra TyrannoSCOTUS

Forgot to say thanks for your reply.

Thanks. ;)
34 posted on 08/13/2003 7:56:18 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Cathryn Crawford
Very important education ping...

As a Libertarian I say at the minimum allow vouchers so that students may attend any accredited school they wish, including religious schools.

Having said that, I don't think there would be a hugh shift to Biblically strict schools. There is a common belief held by the very religious that somehow the state is imposing an atheistic view against the will of the majority. In fact the majority pretty much likes the schools as they are.

Of course there are many that are priced out of religious education, and those people would switch given vouchers. But the majority of parents would try to send their kids to the best academic schools, not the most religious schools.

One only need look at the situation for college education where religious and secular institutions are on otherwise equal financial footing. Secular institutions are quite well represented.

35 posted on 08/13/2003 8:19:56 PM PDT by jlogajan
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To: jlogajan
Ha, hugh=huge, caught by the dreaded hugh bug. :-)
36 posted on 08/13/2003 8:20:50 PM PDT by jlogajan
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To: Faith
So, the only way to change the system is to change the courts. Having 8 years of Billy Bob certainly hasn't helped that situation and now with the Dems stonewalling on every judicial appointment, it's no wonder. The battleground is fierce and the stakes are high for both sides.
37 posted on 08/13/2003 8:41:13 PM PDT by DittoJed2
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To: f.Christian
When you put up such a long quote as that, please, cite the author ... unless you're quoting from your writings. I've grown so accustomed to your 'high-koo' (haiku for you poets out there), I don't expect else. Great quote, BTW.
38 posted on 08/13/2003 9:05:19 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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To: Chad Fairbanks
I'm having ice cream. Granted, it's just a Drumstick™ - nothing fancy - but I'll bet you don't have one, you freak. : )

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
39 posted on 08/13/2003 9:37:16 PM PDT by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet (I call him "Mel". He calls me "Security".)
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
My waiter at Ruth's told me to never drop names....
40 posted on 08/13/2003 10:12:59 PM PDT by Chad Fairbanks (The wages of sin are death, but by the time FICA and SSI are taken, it's just sorta tired feeling)
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