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Words fail me.
1 posted on 08/13/2003 9:54:03 AM PDT by LNewman
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To: LNewman
I think O'Reilly would like this.

Whatever else you think of him, he is a bulldog on immegration issues.
2 posted on 08/13/2003 9:55:46 AM PDT by I still care
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To: LNewman
"Now agents are angry."

They are not alone.
3 posted on 08/13/2003 9:56:43 AM PDT by moehoward
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To: LNewman
OOPS! Bandering, mandering, smandering ... the keyword was supposed to read "Pandering."
4 posted on 08/13/2003 9:57:14 AM PDT by LNewman
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To: LNewman
(COPY AND DISTRIBUTE WIDELY: start a movement, print a petition, start a political party, confront your legislators, write letters, post posters, drop leaflets, demand, demand, demand.)

18 POINT ACTION PLAN: Border Violators

1) Close all US borders to illegal entry forthwith by any and all means possible, including military presence.

2) Maintain legitimate immigration levels at modest annual level with requirements that immigrants be employable or sufficiently wealthy for self-support if they do not intend to work, proficient in basic English and willing to be assimilated into American culture and language. All applicants shall provide prints, photos and DNA samples.

3) Legal immigration shall be awarded to individuals on a lottery basis, wherein all countries are given equal status in the immigration lottery, without regards to color or economic plight of originating nation.

4) Individuals of Islamic faith (muslims) from any country shall be denied immigration privileges or entry into the US. Christians and Jews from muslim countries fleeing religious persecution shall receive accelerated immigration privileges.

5) Detain all border violators, taking photos, prints and DNA samples of said violator while at the same time, checking for out standing warrants. If no warrants are outstanding, return border violators to home country within 20 days via commercial airline and submit cost of such action, including processing and housing costs for said violator, to country of origin. If costs are not paid within 30 days, reduce any and all aid to said country by a like amount.

6) Should any country from which a border violator originates not currently receive any aid from the US, the Justice Department shall be authorized to seize or secure liens on assets owned, managed or registered to that country to the full extent of the obligation.

7) Establish new Guest Worker Visa (GWV) category, renewable every 6 months, for unskilled labor positions wherein all applicants shall provide prints, photos and DNA samples. Work permitted of such applicants shall be limited to one of several categories, including childcare, lawn/gardening, restaurant staff, cleaning and the like. Families of GWV workers are not permitted to enter US, nor will the birth of a child to one of GWV status confer citizenship to either parent or child.

8) Any violation of civil or criminal laws shall result in the forfeiture of the GWV and immediate return to originating country.

9) GWV holders shall be prohibited from claiming unemployment benefits, welfare support or free medical service.

10) The originating country of all GWV holders shall be responsible for any uninsured loss caused by the GWV, including emergency medical claims and/or claims resulting from illegal actions committed while in the US.

11) Companies who hire GWV holders shall submit to the Immigration Dept the name and GWV number of that individual, along with a description of employment tasks. Companies shall be subject to fines and penalty that fail to report employment of GWV workers, or hire border violators. GWV workers shall be paid with check, having income tax withheld. GWV workers shall not be subject to unemployment tax because they are not eligible to receive unemployment compensation.

12) Border violators, or any non-citizen not possessing a valid visa, detained by local police for any reason shall be turned over to border control officials for immediate deportation action, except if they face criminal charges in other jurisdictions.

13) GWV workers shall be prohibited for voting in local, state and federal elections.

14) Border Violators shall NOT be afforded the rights enjoyed by American citizens, as guaranteed under the constitution.

15) Public education (at institutions supported by taxpayer dollars) at any level (pre-school, kindergarten through the university level,) shall NOT be available to Border Violators (or children of Border Violators) and schools that enroll such individuals shall be subject to penalties.

16) Foreign Students (F/S) (individuals admitted to the U.S. for the purpose of attending any educational facility,) private institution or public (i.e. supported by taxpayer dollars,) must have valid student visas, such visas being in force only if the F/S attends school full-time. F/S shall be required to pay tuition, housing and related costs such that all their educational costs are fully reimbursed to the institution attended. The originating country shall pay for any and all loss caused by students while on U.S. soil.

17) Border Violators seeking emergency medical treatment shall provide pictures, fingerprints and DNA samples along with country of origin, and shall be treated, then incarcerated until information provided can be verified. Originating country shall bear the costs of medical treatment and confinement.

18) Children born in the U.S. to border violators, illegal aliens or of foreign nationals in the U.S. for any reason (including temporary visitor, school or work visas,) shall not be eligible for citizenship as circumstances of birth, nor shall the parents or parent’s family members (relatives) be conferred U.S. citizenship as a result of such births.

5 posted on 08/13/2003 9:57:14 AM PDT by Imagine
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To: LNewman
If we're just not going to do anything about the criminal invaders, the gubmnt should at least disband the border patrol and related stuff and save us the money.

Why have them if we're not going to use them?
6 posted on 08/13/2003 10:03:25 AM PDT by the (Mean spirited liberals suck!)
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To: LNewman
The future of Border Patrol operations" depends on eliminating the public perception that agents occasionally conduct neighborhood sweeps, says the memo from William T. Veal, chief patrol agent for the greater San Diego area.

This illegal alien apologist sounds a lot like former INS chief Ziglar. He just hangs around to steal taxpayer's money to fund his salary while turning a blind eye to lawbreakers.

7 posted on 08/13/2003 10:08:54 AM PDT by Reaganwuzthebest
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To: LNewman
Words fail me also. It is obvious that someone wants to make sure terrorists have an easy time getting settled in this country.
8 posted on 08/13/2003 10:10:34 AM PDT by Dante3
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To: LNewman
Thanks for posting this. I was afraid it would be missed.

Did you see the other LA Times article, "Maywood Traffic Stops Are Protested"? The Maywood police were using traffic checkpoints to catch drunk and unlicensed drivers. Since they've managed to catch mostly illegals the activists have gone ballistic.

These two articles, on the same day, are starting me off in a very bad mood.

11 posted on 08/13/2003 10:37:58 AM PDT by Deb (My Tag Skies to Gotham & Con-Fabs With Net Prexies)
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To: LNewman
Words fail me. >>>>>>>>>


"Attention ILLEGAL invaders & terrorists.......You *will be* apprehended and deported, ONLY IF you *choose* to remain in the border area, or *choose* to check in at one of our highway check points"
13 posted on 08/13/2003 10:59:37 AM PDT by txdoda ("Navy-brat")
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To: LNewman
Copy of memo can be found here.
14 posted on 08/13/2003 11:01:12 AM PDT by Spiff (Have you committed one random act of thoughtcrime today?)
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To: LNewman
What is the point of having a border patrol if all unauthorized entrants have to do is escape detection until they're past an arbitrary line north of the border? What is the point of having laws prohibiting entry into our country without permission if enforcement of those laws is deliberately hobbled by the bureaucrats and officials whose ostensible duty it is to enforce the laws?

Policies like this---which are aided and abetted by both major national political parties---do not simply undermine national security and the war on terror. They also undermine the rule of law itself. How can so many Republicans huff and puff at the perjury of Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones case and yet wink at the illegal immigrant invasion from Mexico? Why are native born Americans held strictly to revenue and taxation laws, paying money they earn to support social services for illegal entrants, who are often hired on a cash basis and who often don't pay the taxes others have to (sending it to Mexico instead, to the tune of $10 billion a month)? If illegal entrants don't have to obey laws enacted for our benefit as citizens, why should we be compelled to obey laws that wind up benefitting illegals?

17 posted on 08/13/2003 11:34:22 AM PDT by Map Kernow ("Fuera mejicanos!")
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To: LNewman
Who's absurd idea was this?
19 posted on 08/13/2003 12:10:54 PM PDT by rageaholic
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To: All
23 posted on 08/13/2003 12:41:24 PM PDT by VU4G10 (Have You Forgotten?)
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To: LNewman
24 posted on 08/13/2003 12:46:00 PM PDT by A Navy Vet (Government is the problem, not the solution.)
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To: LNewman
This is lunacy. Stabbed in the pocketbook by my own goobermint flouting the law.
26 posted on 08/13/2003 12:51:15 PM PDT by jimt
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To: LNewman
In the interest of fairness lets look at this from another perspective.

What was this agent doing so far from the border in the first place? Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be on the border or at a check point preventing additional aliens from getting through?

Now that he drove all the way up there and arrested this family does anyone here really think they will be removed to Mexico? Not likely. Does it make sense to round up aliens already in the country when they can simply drag out their deportation proceedings for 10 years and then not show up for their deportation anyway? This system is a joke.

Perhaps our Border Patrol should focus on it’s primary mission defending the border. Perhaps the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (who’s job it is to round up illegal aliens) should do their jobs.

It makes no strategic or tactical sense to take agents off the border to round up illegal aliens in the interior. While this agent was arresting this group, how many more entered?

The problem of 8 to 10 million illegal aliens in this country requires a political solution and the development of a safe and sane immigration policy. The Border Patrol must focus its resources efforts on the border. They’re the only defense we’ve got.

35 posted on 08/13/2003 1:56:31 PM PDT by usurper
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Yesterday, Roger Hedgecock interviewed Sean/Shawn, a spokesman for the local union of Border Patrol agents, and he believed that the order for the Chief's memo came from the Department of Homeland Security and that "the pressure is coming from above... to limit liability and ... [to appease] political pressure from the Mexican Consulate." I missed the rest of the interview.

Roger also played a clip from a 2000 interview with then-candidate George W. Bush, who said the federal government should commit to the manpower and equipment needed for securing our borders. Bush said we need to make our borders as secure as possible, just like other countries do, such as Mexico along its southern border. He mentioned "Operation Hold the Line" to protect our borders, but we haven't heard about any such policy since then.

Since we can't print the LAT story, here is the version from the FlashFacts yesterday, with minor editing

WE AIN'T FORTUNE TELLER!! (but we told the future) DID SO IN OUR FLASH OF AUGUST 6^TH. We post our lead item of that day below for your reference. The tale about our Home Land Security Forces busting a Mexican family that had busted into our country. Our Border Patrol folks nab the group in the vicinity of the Mexican Consulate (in Little Italy... Yikes) and process them back to their homeland. Well poop gets in the fan big time. Mexicans that we allow to have an office in San Diego get livid. Mexican Embassy in D.C. (where we allow Mexicans to have an office too) shakes finger at highest levels of Bush dare you arrest and deport Mexican citizens!!....and behold comes forth from the Chief of the San Diego sector of the Border Patrol a memo.

Memo basically tells all our local BP agents to knock it off. Don't be busting illegals. Least not once they get into the USA. You can wave at them as they flood across the border and if they jump into your Bronco you can arrest them...otherwise just make sure they have water and snacks and fresh underwear. We're not kidding.

Border Patrol Agents are not authorized to conduct any interior enforcement, or city patrol, operations in or near residential areas or places of employment, including immigration inspections at day labor pick-up locations or on city streets while agents are enroute to assignments as PD transport or transportation checks. This the exact language from the August 8^th, 2003 memo from William T. Veal, Chief Patrol Agent.

Heres another quote from the memo: "The operational priorities for the San Diego Sector are geared toward maximum containment at the border, to prevent the illegal entry of aliens, terrorists and terrorist weapons."

This is real good...but once the aliens, terrorist and terrorist weapons get across the border... our border patrol is to leave the invader alone. HUH?

Ally Ally in Free? Touch Wood? Safe now that we are across the border and in San Diego proper? Beyond belief.

ROGER GOT SNUCK THE MEMO on Tuesday and we immediately flashed it off to Duncan Hunter, Dana Rohrabacher and Tom Tancredo... staunch defenders of the American border. Fox 6 news locally also got fed the story and the memo also found its way to Bill OReilly on the Fox News Channel.

THE BP OFFICERS WHAT BUSTED THE FAMILY OF ILLEGALS on August 1st ought to get letters of commendation in their personnel files...instead (did we predict it?) they are likely bound for patrol duty in the corn fields of Nebraska.

OH, AND JUST IN CASE YOU FORGOT (or missed the Flash cause of our mail server problem) our original prediction... we post that here:

IF YOUR JOB IS HUNTING FOR ILLEGALS...folks who have gotten thru our airtight border security system (huh?) and are loose in America where might you look? Well the Mexican Consulate seems to be a starting point. And so it was of a recent day that some of our Border Patrol folks were in the vicinity of the San Diego Mex Cons office and nabbed a family of five and a friend..burglars all - that is they had broken into our homeland. The folks were sent back home to their home.

WELL YOU'D HAVE THUNK WE'D SUCKER PUNCHED A DRUNK. Mexican authorities get a bad case of the snits and complain to U.S. government. The Mexicans will launch their own investigation. In fact the Mexicans allege that since 911 there has been an aggressive effort to locate and deport illegals and that Latino neighborhoods have been targeted.

THE STORY CHUCKLES US A COUPLE OF's part of the U-T report posted this morning:
"In interviews in Tijuana, the five family members vowed to return to San Diego by Monday morning so they wouldn't lose their jobs. Three worked as janitors and one as a cook. They left two young children behind in San Diego. "

HUH?? Is that a little blatant or what? We'll break back into your country immediately because we have jobs to have to get to. What about that airtight border security stuff?

OH, and why was the family at the consulate? They needed to pick up one of those phony Mexican I.D. cards for illegals so that when the Duf signs the drivers license for illegals they'll have a document proving they are illegal.

46 posted on 08/14/2003 6:43:57 AM PDT by heleny
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To: LNewman
Words don't fail ME...
Obviously a memo whispered from the Oval Office..
The fish rots from the head first..
All the lessers get the message.. on down the chain of command..
54 posted on 04/13/2006 6:21:26 PM PDT by hosepipe (CAUTION: This propaganda is laced with hyperbole..)
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To: LNewman

bookmarking :|

56 posted on 04/13/2006 8:37:08 PM PDT by LNewman
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