Gee what are the health implications for over weight people .. I'm not a doctor, but I think losing a few pounds might be better
There is a genuine HATRED between the alopathic crowd that loves to push synethic patented drugs and those that advise a nutritious diet. As Hippocrites (sp) used to say, "Let you medicine be your food and your food be your medicine." He USED to be the father of medicine till our "wisdom" drove us to, hey got a problem, here's a pill and you don't have to change ANYTHING in your life. Besides the drug companies will send me on trips, give me kick backs AND since most of their patents are running out value me, the allopath, even more for synthetic drug pushing. Pssssssst if the liver and kidney damage gets to be too much, I'll just nudge a colleague and tell him about you and line you up for a transplant with MORE synthetic drugs to follow for the rest of your life.